Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) integrates cognitive behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices to empower individuals in understanding and effectively managing their thoughts and emotions. By breaking automatic processes that trigger distress, MBCT offers a path to relief from depression and related symptoms.


How Does MBCT Work?

In MBCT, cognitive methods and mindfulness meditation help individuals interrupt the patterns that contribute to depression. By recognizing the interplay between low mood, negative thoughts, and physical sensations, participants gain awareness of the connections between different symptoms. MBCT empowers individuals to separate themselves from negative thought patterns, fostering liberation from repetitive negative messages and enabling the interjection of positive thoughts to disarm negative moods.


Applications of MBCT:

MBCT has shown efficacy in addressing various health conditions, including depressive relapse, current depression, residual depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, eating disorders, and psychosis. The versatility of MBCT makes it a valuable therapeutic modality for individuals seeking support in these areas.


What to Expect in MBCT Sessions:

MBCT is typically conducted as an 8-week group intervention. Participants develop mindful awareness, recognizing conditioned patterns of mind and mood that contribute to depression relapse and sustain current symptoms. By disengaging from distressing moods and negative thoughts through mindfulness, individuals gain the ability to intervene skillfully at early signs of relapse, promoting emotional well-being.

