Empowering Clients for Self-Discovery

Person-centered therapy empowers clients by providing a non-authoritative environment where they can take the lead in discussions, discover their own solutions, and facilitate their own healing process. This approach, rooted in the work of psychologist Carl Rogers, emphasizes the therapist’s role as a compassionate facilitator.


What to Expect in Person-Centered Therapy 

In person-centered therapy, the client takes center stage, with the therapist listening without judgment or interpretation. Restating the client’s words helps deepen understanding, and moments of silence allow thoughts to sink in. This client-focused process encourages self-discovery, self-acceptance, and positive growth.


The Principles Behind Person-Centered Therapy:

Person-centered therapy, also known as Rogerian therapy, originated from Carl Rogers’ belief in the uniqueness of each individual and their capacity to find the best solutions for themselves. The therapist creates a supportive environment by embodying three essential conditions: unconditional positive regard, empathetic understanding, and congruence.

